The foot is a flexible structure made of soft tissues, muscles, bones and joints. The forefoot comprises of five toes, the midfoot includes 5 bones that form the arch of the foot and the hind foot forms the heel and ankle. The ankle is a large joint made up of 3 bones, the tibia, fibula and talus. Ligaments and tendons run along the surface of the feet promoting easy and flexible movement.
Any injury, damage or abnormality in the region of the foot and ankle needs to be treated appropriately to prevent problems in movement. Some of the abnormalities of the foot and ankle are identified through thorough physical examination, X-ray, CT-scan and MRI. Based on your age, diagnosis and severity, your doctor will suggest the best treatment options.
Surgery may be recommended if conservative methods like medication, physical support and exercise have proven to be ineffective in the treatment of your condition.
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